Friday, March 8, 2024Job site theft has become a rising concern for construction employers across the country—resulting in the loss of valuable equipment and materials. In fact, the latest research revealed that such theft currently accounts for an estimated $1 billion in annual costs throughout the construction sector. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, February 7, 2024There is a lot of misinformation about car insurance floating around social medica and other internet “resources” that can cause drivers to make mistakes when it comes to their car insurance policy. Identifying these myths can help you feel better behind the wheel and as a policyholder. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, January 31, 2024It shouldn’t come as a surprise that working in construction is a risky job. The chance for injury is significantly higher than many other professions due to the nature of working with power tools and heavy machinery. However, establishing better safety protocols is a huge step toward the safety of your employees. READ MORE >>
Thursday, December 14, 2023Transactions in the real estate business involve a lot of money, and many things can go wrong. In our litigious society, getting sued in a real estate deal gone wrong is an ever present possibility. Sometimes the problems are the fault of the seller, yet the real estate agency becomes the target of the lawsuit. READ MORE >>
Thursday, November 30, 2023Did you know that there is currently over $1 billion in life insurance death benefits that are sitting unclaimed? That’s because a surprising number of people don’t file claims when necessary and insurance companies are not required to locate beneficiaries when policyholders pass away. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, October 17, 2023You buy life insurance to help your survivors financially after your death. Particularly if you have a disabled family member, this coverage will come in handy. Yet, because of the individual’s needs, how you structure your coverage might vary. What are the factors you must consider when leaving coverage to a disabled child? READ MORE >>
Tuesday, September 19, 2023Sun exposure during poses significant health and safety risks to almost anyone. If you don’t take protective measures, you could face considerable risks. Why the Sun Poses a Threat On one hand, the sun's healthy effects provide warmth, as well as valuable nutrients. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, August 23, 2023Small and medium-sized businesses are at an increased risk now more than ever for security breaches and cyber threats. Your business may do everything right and you still may be hit with a virus that attacks your customers’ data or your business’ security information. READ MORE >>
Thursday, July 13, 2023Boats nowadays come in all shapes and sizes. Regardless of the intended use, boats come with risks. A variety of perils may damage the boat, harm its passengers and ruin their property. Should a boat experience a hazard, you could lose the boat and many of its onboard contents. READ MORE >>
Thursday, June 15, 2023Do you enjoy owning a personal watercraft? Thieves do too! From the smallest dinghy to the largest luxury yacht, about 700 boats are stolen across the US each month; and once stolen, vessels are rarely recovered. Knowing how to prevent boat theft can keep you and your vessel from becoming one of these sad statistics. READ MORE >>
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